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Wednesday, April 25, 2012

top songs

hey everyone i think these are my top songs! in no order

we are young
call me maybe
somebody i used to know
what makes you beautiful!!! <3 1D!!!!!!!
pumped up kicks


Saturday, April 21, 2012

hi everyone. Its andi. instead of the movie last night. Im going to see it tonight with my older sister kelsey. afterwards we will be getting pho........ PEACE!

remember to come bk tomorow~ andromena tallahooosa

Tuesday, April 17, 2012


Hey peeps. Sorry I have not blogged in a a couple days but I have had a lot of homework. Not much has hapened in the past couple days so yah..... I might see the vow on friday. I think adventure time is a pretty cool show. Its random. also I watch Glee with my mom too and idk were they are taking it? If you agree follow my blog please! more tomorow! :)                          :)


Email me to have your first name mentioned in the blog:

Saturday, April 14, 2012

Rock Climbing/Nails

Yesterday I went rock climbing with my neighbor. It was really fun and exciting! It was hard. I think when people say they are afraid of heights I think they really are afraid that they will fall. My fear was plunging my head into a rock. That would be scary.... :( I got a tiny cut while I was free climbing (without a harness or anything! wow!)   Also my sister is coming home this weekend and is bringing her friend over named Van-Anh. Van-Anh is really nice and pretty. Its fun when my sisters friends come over because they are always nice to me and they sometimes let me do there nails.. I have done nails on many of my friends and they have loved it!

Bye 4 now! Come back tomorow please!!!! :D


Andrea! :D

Friday, April 13, 2012

rock climbing!

Today im going rock climbing with my neighbor bob. Im excited because Im good at rock climbing and this is myfirst time going on REAL rocks! First I have to take a shower, get dressed, brush my teeth and hair. Then I need to get in to my clothes. Im leaing around 2:30 . It will be fun!!


Thursday, April 12, 2012

Duct Tape

Some time last year I did craft week and only did one craft! #fail@andrea I will show you a vid I found on youtube.  This is NOT me! I do NOT own anything.  All rights go to LizzieTProductions.

Heres the link:

I think this is alot more clear.

Thanks !

ANdrea halllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllahan

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Fail Photos

Another round of fail photos! woohoo


I'm feeling.............. Hungry
I'm wearing........... yoga pants and TL swim team purple shirt , bare feet
I'm craving............ French fries and Onion Rings
I'm crafting.............. drawing
I'm watching.............. Suburagtory
I'm wanting....................a new phone


Movie Reveiw & lunch

Yesterday, I went to see the movie Mirror Mirror with my mom and a family friend, and then went out to eatat Jimmy Macs Roadhouse! The movie was good and really funny. I liked Snow White because she was pretty. Julia Roberts was in the movie too as the wicked step mother. When we got to Jimmy Macs it wasn't crowed at all. What I got was Rootbeer as my beverage. Then we got onion rings for the appetizer and I got steak fries and steak for my lunch. It was supprisingly really good! I recommend you going there some time!


Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Nail Tips #1 Strawberry

On this tutuorial I will be telling you how todo Strawberry Nails.

1. Start by taking your  bare nails and painting a clear coat on. Let dry.

2. Then carefully paint your nails a red or pink color, your choice.

3. After the color is fully dried, "Zig zag" triangles on the tip of the nails,
 if this step is too hard for you find a triangle stensil and continue with the step

4. Just over the red, put yellow, black, or white dot to look like seeds.

If you followed these steps your nails should
be looking like this.



Monday, April 9, 2012

Volley ball

This season in volleyball we got two new players Ellie and Erin. Also we only won one game but at least we tryed. I think I will like next year better then the past two years because it will b more compeitive! No more Ms. Nice Girl! lol okay! blog yah later!

Left to right: Kerri, Erin, Alex, Diana, Ellie, Mary Grace, Me , Annie who is under neath the cake.

Easter photos

                                              Eating food
                                                        Kelsey, Andrea (ME), Ali
                                           Saying bye to Ali (Blonde girl in last picture)
                                                I've never met a mental person but I think this is pretty close (Kelsey)
                                                      RAISE THE ROOF! :D
                                              Lavenders, my mom planted last summer
                                          One of our front yards (I'm saying this because we have three front yards)
                                             Its time for sleeping time! My dad had his hand like he was holding a phone and so I just put a remote in his hands but he really IS sleeping!

Happy Late Easter!


All Catholics must have known that Easter was yesterday! I hope all had a wonderful Easter! I started Easter by going to mass at 8AM. Then coming home and looking at my basket that I got from the Easter Bunny! HOP HOP! This is what I got: Lots of nail polish and acesseories for my feet and nails, toms, volley ball clothes, and candy! My mom was very genorous! Then we had a brunch with our family friends and neighbors. The food was so yummy! Blog to you later!

Andi bo bani fee fi fo fandi mee mi mo mandi ANDI

P.S. On Saturday the best sister in the world took me to get me a mani and pedi! It was a surprise too. Kelsey told me that we were gonna go to the beach and to wear flip flops. Sneaky! Sneaky!  I got lime green polka dots on my feet and this thing called shellac on my finger nails which is a pink! My sister is so sneaky! Oh and shes a DANCING QUEEN!

I'm back

Hi Everyone! I'm back to blogging FINALLY! I kind of got out of it while I got busy but I'm going to try to blog every week. I'm excited to come back because I was reading my friend Mary Grace Currans blog and it inspired me! Thanks MG! :D I hope you guys like the new design and email me at to tell me what you think. Remember come back tomorow to see a new post! Oh and also email me about post or ideas that you want to see here at CUTE AND SASSY!

Andrea Hallahan! :)